Overview ## 量子コンピューティングの主要な概念の紹介 このコースでは、量子コンピューターを構築する動機について議論し、量子コンピューティングの重要な原理を取り扱い、いくつかの重要な量子アルゴリズムを確認します。 最後に、量子ハードウェアと新進の量子情報技術産業について簡単に確認します。 主要な概念については、必要最小限の数学とともに(いくつかは深い思考を必要としつつも)、図を用いて説明します。 Get an introduction to the key concepts of quantum computing In this course, we will discuss the motivation for building quantum computers, cover the…
- FutureLearn
- 4 weeks long, 5 hours a week
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Overview Get an introduction to the key concepts of quantum computing In this course, we will discuss the motivation for building quantum computers, cover the important principles in quantum computing,…
- FutureLearn
- 3 weeks long, 3 hours a week
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Overview Master the Concepts of Quantum Computing & Gain Hands-On Experience with IBM Qiskit for Quantum Programming What you’ll learn: Learn the fundamentals of mathematics and physics behind Quantum Computing…
- Udemy
- 17 hours worth of material
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Overview Master Quantum Computing and Understand all the Basics of Quantum Computing in just one course What you’ll learn: The basics of quantum computing Understand the Basics of Microsoft Q…
- Udemy
- 2-3 hours worth of material
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Overview Classical detectors and sensors are ubiquitous around us from heat sensors in cars to light detectors in a camera cell phone. Leveraging advances in the theory of noise and…
- edX
- 6 weeks long, 6-9 hours a week
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Overview Classical detectors and sensors are ubiquitous around us from heat sensors in cars to light detectors in a camera cell phone. Leveraging advances in the theory of noise and…
- edX
- 17 weeks long, 6-9 hours a week
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Overview The pace of development in quantum computing mirrors the rapid advances made in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is natural to ask whether quantum technologies could boost learning…
- edX
- 9 weeks long, 6-8 hours a week
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Overview Курс «Основы квантовой криптографии» рассчитан на студентов, обучающихся по бакалаврским и магистерским программам, связанным с защитой информации, и является продолжением курса «Физические основы квантовой информатики». Он состоит из двух…
- edX
- 13 weeks long, 10-22 hours a week
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Overview In this course we will demonstrate how a large-scale quantum computer could be controlled and operated. Among the topics that we will discuss are micro-architectures, compilers, and programming languages.…
- edX
- 6 weeks long, 6-8 hours a week
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Overview A unique course that connects three diverse fields using the unifying concept of a state-space with 2^N dimensions defined by N binary bits. We start from the seminal concepts…
- edX
- 5 weeks long, 5-6 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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