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What Drives the Body?

  • Job DurationFutureLearn
  • Job Duration3 weeks long, 4 hours a week
  • Job DurationFree Online Course (Audit)

Project detail


Explore how different parts of the body communicate with each other

The way in which parts of the body communicate with each other is vital to keeping us healthy. But how does our internal communication work – and how do these individual components produce energy?

On this course, from the University of Aberdeen, you’ll learn how the human body utilises energy pathways, and how different elements communicate effectively. You’ll find out about the biomolecules involved in communication, and the role of endocrinology and immunology.

You’ll discover how the body works and regulates itself, and also improve your knowledge of disease development and prevention.

This course is aimed at anyone who is interested in how the human body regulates and communicates with itself.

Existing knowledge of components of the body is not essential but some prior knowledge of biology might be helpful.

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