
Turn Climate Anxiety into Positive Action

  • Job DurationFutureLearn
  • Job Duration2 weeks long, 2 hours a week
  • Job DurationFree Online Course (Audit)

Project detail


Discover the role of technology in tackling climate change and climate anxiety

Start out on your journey to turning climate change anxiety into positive and lasting action with this fascinating course from Samsung.

Looking at the role technology can play in tackling climate change, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the issues facing our planet in the future and how to overcome them.

Identify how you feel about climate activism and technology

Alongside fascinating mentors and leaders, including rapper Lady Leshurr, documentary filmmaker Jack Harries, and with visionary speaker Andy Middleton, you’ll explore some of the things you can personally do to activate positive change.

You’ll then make a ‘Stand for Humanity’ pledge with activist Yazzie Min, and consider the importance of self-care and technology in climate activism.

How can you turn climate change anxiety into positive action?

Learning from the expertise of climate activist and documentary maker Jack Harries, you’ll look at the small steps you can take if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis.

You’ll dive into the role food, veganism and technology play in creating a more sustainable future with Ed Winters.

Become an optimist in the age of anxiety

After probing at what the climate crisis means for us today, you’ll discover how digital tools can help build resistance and resilience for the leaders of tomorrow.

Plus, you’ll hear from course ambassador Lady Leshurr on her ideas of how to turn climate anxiety into positive action.

The final step of the course will invite you to develop a business proposal, service, or product which answers the question: How can technology unlock climate activism in everyone?

This course is primarily designed for 18 to 25-year-olds passionate about issues associated with climate change and activism.

However, the course is also open to those interested in making positive social change through technology.

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