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Programming for Everybody: Python Data Structures

  • Job DurationFutureLearn
  • Job Duration6 weeks long, 4 hours a week
  • Job DurationFree Online Course (Audit)

Project detail


Take your next step in learning Python from scratch

On this course, you’ll be introduced to the core data structures of the Python programming language and learn how they are used.

Designed as the next step up from the Programming for Everybody: Getting Started with Python course, this course moves past the basics of procedural programming.

You’ll learn how to use the built-in data structures in Python, such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples, to perform more complex data analysis.

This course is designed for those who have completed the Programming for Everybody course who want to move to the next stage in their Python learning.

The Programming for Everybody courses are designed for anyone who wants to learn computer programming. No prior programming experience is required.

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