Overview Are You Keeping Track of Your Income and Expenses Each Month? If not, then this lesson is crucial for you. Get a budget today! Budgeting is the process of creating a…
- Skillshare
- Less than 1 hour of material
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Formation sur l'indépendance financière, gestion financière, finances personnelles et investissement
Overview Êtes-vous sûr de votre avenir à long terme ? Avez-vous des plans et des investissements solides qui fourniront une qualité de vie élevée lorsque vous vous retirez ? Avez-vous déjà sérieusement…
- Skillshare
- 1-2 hours worth of material
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Overview This class is for Skillshare Students only and is exclusively available on Skillshare. It’s March/April 2020 and we’re going through a global recession. Watch a course about the recession…
- Skillshare
- 1-2 hours worth of material
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Overview In April 2020, we are experiencing a pandemic and a global recession. Are you prepared? Do you know what happens during a recession? This class is a must watch class…
- Skillshare
- 1-2 hours worth of material
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Overview Begin Building a Better Financial Future Through Financial Management, Budgeting, Saving, and Investing! This course will introduce what money management is and why it is so important that you…
- Skillshare
- Less than 1 hour of material
- Free Trial Available
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Overview The key to unlocking a life you love? Taking control of your personal finances! In today’s world of apps, blogs, podcasts, and opinions, it’s hard to know whether you’re asking the…
- Skillshare
- 1-2 hours worth of material
- Free Trial Available
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Overview Get your personal finances in order with practical guidance and advice With real incomes falling and personal debt at a record high, it’s vital to improve your personal finance…
- FutureLearn
- 8 weeks long, 3 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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Overview Take control of your financial future by learning how to manage your money Despite the introduction of mandatory personal finance education in UK secondary schools, those aged 18-24 are…
- FutureLearn
- 8 weeks long, 3 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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Overview Explore the fundamentals of mortgages and the process of buying a home As a first-time potential property owner, the process of buying a home can seem incredibly daunting and…
- FutureLearn
- 4 weeks long, 2 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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Overview Being able to budget and plan financially, and weigh up the risks and rewards associated with borrowing and investment options are valuable skills in both your personal life and…
- FutureLearn
- 16 weeks long, 3 hours a week
- Paid Course
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