Overview Find out how to manage your income and expenditure more effectively This online courses explore how current economic conditions impact household finances, before showing you how to manage yours…
- FutureLearn
- 4 weeks long, 3 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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Overview Learn how to achieve the best results in spa and wellness centers Discover ways to ensure your spa or wellness center is financially successful with this course taught by…
- FutureLearn
- 2 weeks long, 6 hours a week
- $414.00
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Overview Build a robust financial plan and forecast the growth potential of your business Having a credible financial plan lets you determine how viable a business idea is and is…
- FutureLearn
- 4 weeks long, 3 hours a week
- Free Online Course (Audit)
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Overview Learn to use the financial planning tool and how it compares, and or, complements other accounting and finance tools What you’ll learn: What the Personal Capital Software is and…
- Udemy
- 4-5 hours worth of material
- Paid Course
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